9+ Templates Ready to Use
GALLERYCreate a gallery has never been quick and easy with endless combinations
INSTAGRAM GALLERYCreate instagram gallery in few click
MAPCreate a google maps has never been so easy and fast
CHARTTwo types of chart with simple settings quick and easy to set all this in one click
ICONInsert icons has never been easier, just one click to change color dimension margin and padding
SOCIALAdd your social icon with one click
HEADINGYou can choose beetween 2 heading type for create your heading
BUTTONCreate your button using this addon and in few step you have available it
BLOGCreate your blog layout using our 6 different styles
NEWSCreate your news layout using our 7 different styles
CAROUSELCreate your Blog, Carousel and Team using a lot of styles available
TEAMBuild your team carouse or grid with many possibilities and infinite combinations
LOGOAdd your logo in few steps
LOGO CAROUSELCreate your logo showcase in few click. Easy and Fast
TIMELINECreate a gallery Timeline or Post Timeline with different format types
AND MUCH MORE...Find more Elements on menu...